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The Rise of Rockdoor – The Original Composite Door

Posted by Regan · July 13th 2022

From an idea in 1996 to the most secure and stylish composite door on the market

Entrance doors have evolved and developed significantly over the course of the last 30 years as homeowners are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of security features and energy conservation.

In February 1996, Rockdoor set out to create the most secure and stylish composite door on the market.

This was albeit at a time where the composite door market was relatively new to most, due to the variety of other doors and manufacturing processes available, but as ideas and innovations have become more apparent, so too have perceptions of the ideal entrance door.

The ‘Original Composite Door’, Rockdoor, was first manufactured over 25 years ago and features the well-known ‘S-glaze’ technology – A security focused and thermally efficient design which combines bespoke glazing with modern manufacturing.

Unlike the use of traditional clip-on cassettes, the innovative S-glaze ensures that the glazing is built into the door itself, which removes the possibility of drafts and water ingress through the glazing of the front door or back door.

Stylish doors with a focus on security

Even with building regulations having been updated recently, Rockdoor are able to offer composite doors to all customers that are A to C rated, retaining as much thermal efficiency within the home as possible.

Manufacturing processes have not always been this advanced though – the classic look of an old timber entrance door will resonate with many for a nostalgic look; however, the designs focused heavily on style over security. With very few security measures apart from a basic cylinder lock or latch included.

Not only were they lesser in terms of security features available, but wooden doors and frames are at a huge disadvantage because of the care and maintenance required for the doors to look and operate at their best.

As an alternative to timber doors, uPVC alternatives grew into the market, before composite doors, as a stronger choice of entrance door on offer.

It was not so long ago that the United Kingdom was inundated with uPVC doors offering a stylish and smooth look, giving lasting first impressions to millions of homes around the country.

Rockdoor = Security

uPVC entrance doors were a step up in terms of security on classic timber doors with regards to multi-point locking systems. However, this type of door is still unchallenging for modern burglars, especially those that feature infill panels rather than glass.

Rockdoor have always focused on security, with customers’ safety being the composite door manufacturer’s number one priority.

In 2004, Lancashire Police were left stunned after they failed to gain access to a property because of a Rockdoor that would not budge.

Although the doors are manufactured to an extremely high security standard and we can rest assured that burglars are unable to breach a Rockdoor. Over the years, the emergency services including, Lancashire Fire & Rescue Service and Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service, have been provided with training courses to understand how to gain access in the event of an emergency,

According to the Office for National Statistics, in the year ending September 2021, Police in the UK recorded 5.8m crimes, of which over quarter of a million incidents recorded were burglaries.

Homeowners are now rightly so becoming more security conscious, to which Rockdoor offers a host of measures including: a three-star anti-snap barrel, optional wire mesh reinforcing and S-glaze technology, to name a few.

Over two-and-a-half decades of innovation

Simon Bird of Rockdoor described the processes which have contributed to the original composite door’s success in the last two-and-a-half decades:

“Although we have modernised our manufacturing processes over the years as technology improves, the core foundations that Rockdoor are built on are still present all these years later.

“Using the highest quality materials and bespoke manufacturing processes not seen anywhere else in the country, there are many reasons why Rockdoor is one of the leading composite door brands in the UK. Our bespoke S-glaze technology ensures that the door is not compromised and exposed to the elements, alongside a 50mm thick sash, an aluminium reinforced inner frame and our PU foam filled core which collectively make Rockdoor the most thermally efficient composite door on the market.”

Fast forward over two-and-a-half decades later and Rockdoor have now produced doors for over half a million homes in the UK and have now recorded their largest number of Rockdoor Trusted Installers signed up to the scheme.

This years’ great start is largely owed to their successful debut at the FIT show and latest company initiatives such as their ‘No Bow Guarantee’ and £5,000 showroom upgrade offer, which the latter has proved popular with many new Rockdoor Trusted Installers.

Create your own Rockdoor now and get it expertly fitted

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